Friday, June 4, 2010

What if matter simply isn’t necessary to existence?

This is the beginning of the thought process that started the need for this blog. I was relaying yet another complicated train of thought to my patient, captive husband last night when he suggested that other people might like to be privy to my madness. In truth, I think he’s hoping that I might exhaust myself in blogged diatribes so that for once I might get some sleep. I am soooo much more pleasant when I sleep.

So what the hell do I mean by matter being not necessary? It’s a complex ride to this conclusion but if you can bear with me, I promise it will make some semblance of sense in the end.

It occurred to me last night, as I fought my blurry, tired eyes, that I have always been aware of static in my vision. If you have no idea what I mean, try looking at a white wall for a few seconds and relax your eyes. Try and be aware of the tiny dancing pixel-like dots that seem to appear and disappear in your vision. You can also close your eyes and press your hands gently on your closed eyelids. If I’m right, complicated static and fractal patterns appear. With that in mind, coupled with a history of migraines, I started thinking of my vision in relation to LCD screens with my brain acting as the computer telling which pixels to display what colors.

Wait just a second… wtf? Where do the migraines come in? 
Migraines tend to act like a shit storm in the brain. They activate all different parts at inappropriate times causing nausea, sensitivity, pain, and in some lucky individuals, me, they trigger visual and spatial hallucinations. I often see oil slick-like dots in my vision that eventually merge to form a kind of blindness that is a mesh of color with no depth perception. Often times during the attack, I will even experience “Alice in Wonderland” syndrome where I alternately feel large and small in relation to things around me. This is similar to the distortions a stroke victim might experience. (And you non-migraine people thought it was just a headache!)

Now the next stop on my train of thought…. Physics.
Physics has gotten exciting as of late. It’s not your high school physics anymore. It’s more like a sci-fi movie these days. Every day scientists are breaking down the old beliefs about time and space. For instance, did you know that science has determined that it’s not only possible that other dimensions exist…it’s probable? Or that science has made teleportation actually feasible in a manner of speaking? Or even that matter may be made up of vibrating “strings” at the subatomic level? The latter revelation makes up the laymen’s version of “String Theory” and is actually the next part of my theoretical journey.

So why do we need strings? What if matter is simply energy vibrating at different frequencies that our brain perceives as solid? We rely entirely on our brains to understand the nature of our reality so what’s to say that there’s more than that? What if we aren’t even moving, but like an animation on an LCD screen , we appear to move because our brains evolved to process the perceived motion?

What is matter anyway?
Just another way to explain the difference between the space between objects, another way to describe the nature of what we perceive in individual objects? In truth, it’s been wrongly understood by the general population even today. Most people look at a table and see a solid, impenetrable object. But it’s not solid. It’s actually made up of mostly space. The space between subatomic particles. Huge spanning distances relating only to the kind of math you see in to planetary distances. In fact, the table only appears solid due to the very strong energetic bonds between these particles. But what if the particles aren’t solid? What if at the smallest level, they are merely energy? Simply energy.

So there’s the full journey. And that, my dear, is what I think about at 1 o’clock in the morning. Actually, that’s the kind of stuff I think about all the time, hence my hubby’s need for me to blog. That way I can make other people’s brains hurt besides his.

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